Clarify Your Calling
What if the idea that you have for your life is different than what you believe the true purpose of your life might be? What if your idea or your vision for your version of thriving is different than the one that you feel like is being laid out before you? On today's episode we're talking about the pivotal moment of surrender when it comes to discovering our life purpose.
Have you ever felt stuck after a break up like you were unable to move on from the relationship? On today’s episode I’m chatting with Your Break Up Bestie, Kendra Allen, on the limiting beliefs women often hold around relationships and how to move through the grief of losing love.
Is there anything worse than feeling stuck? You know that mode where it feels like no matter what you do or how much you try, you can’t manufacture a different outcome for yourself. I hate that feeling. And if you’re like me and wanting to be a woman of purpose and intention, you’ve probably been frustrated by seasons in your life where you’ve felt totally powerless and stuck as well. You’re not alone. Every woman who has hired me for life planning or picked up my book has done so because she’s hoping to get help breaking through the barriers keeping her stuck in one or more areas of her life.
Do you struggle to make relationships as an adult? Or have you wondered how to find a mentor to deeply invest in your life? Hop into this episode as I have a conversation with author Ashley Abercrombie on the reality of losing autonomy as you advance into adulthood and why she chooses integrity over image to direct the way she engages with others.
How have the past few years of Covid affected your relationships? For many, it feels like our relationships have slipped into survival mode and we’re barely getting by. For others, we’re finding relationships, but in unexpected places. Next month in Women of Consequence we’re going to talk about how to audit what we have and how to transform the connections in our lives into more meaningful relationships.
Ready to create your routines for the new year? Before you get started, you don’t want to miss this episode. Join me as I chat with Ashley Brown, Founder of Routine and Things, to explore the importance of developing routines.
Are you ready to build your 2023 life vision? Before we head into the new year, take a moment to use this guided exercise to reflect on 2022. Grab your free 2022 Year-End Reflection Guide as you use this episode to process the year that’s passed and set you up for our Vision Board Workshop on January 7th!
Are you ready to change? Check out this special invitation for you to move into the new year as a woman of consequence. Learn all about Chanel’s new project and decide if you share her heart to grow both personally and in community in the coming year.
Heads up but things are about to escalate. How will you honor yourself amidst the holiday season when it’s the noisiest time of year? Here are a few suggestions on ways you can make sure not to lose yourself this season.
Join me for this special episode for my birthday week with some unexpected lessons I’ve picked up along the way as I’ve helped guide women into their purpose. Also, grab some birthday gifts I have for you on your journey toward purpose.
Are you aware of your blindspots? Often we have perpetual patterns or tendencies that trip us up and keep us from living out our purpose. In this episode, let’s explore the impact of our blindspots and clear ways you can overcome them. Plus, grab a free resource to help you audit your life.
What if the biggest barrier to you living out your purpose right now is actually the area of your life where you’re most succeeding? On today’s episode, break through to your purpose by investigating the problem with winning. And even if you don’t feel like you’re winning right now, tune in because you will inevitably experience seasons of success and thriving in the future.
Listen to chapter one of “Life Starts Now: How to Create the Life You’ve Been Waiting For”, Chanel Dokun’s new book, available everywhere August 16th. Order the book at chaneldokun.com and be sure to visit our Life Starts Now Book Hub where you can get access to resources like a Book Club Discussion Guide, companion worksheets, and access to the Reclaim the Morning Course. Life Starts Now is available in paperback, an e-book, and an audiobook with a special bonus chapter! Order your copy today.
Have you ever wanted to write a book? As we’re approaching the release of my book, Life Starts Now: How to Create the Life You’ve Been Waiting For, I wanted to share some of the behind the scenes lessons I’ve learned in releasing a book out into the world. It’s all the stuff I wish someone would have told me before I got started on my journey to becoming an author.
What happens when work stops working? With all of the burnout and exhaustion women are feeling from girl boss and hustle harder culture, it might be time to create something new. On today’s episode I’m going to give a brief survey of the evolution of work for women and dive into what opportunities we have now to construct a new approach to vocation.
Have you ever been terrified about what’s up ahead? As you start to implement positive changes in your life, it’s normal to visit feelings of fear. But it’s not helpful to set up residence and remain terrified. On this episode, Chanel shares how to flip out of fear into a more helpful posture that can lead to you experiencing more success.
How do you find a therapist? We have been walking through some of the most heartbreaking and disillusioning times this generation has faced, and now more than ever would be a good time to talk to a therapist. But how do you know when or where to find the right clinician for you? On this episode Chanel outlines who needs therapy, the different types of care available, and how to find a therapist.
Have you ever paid attention to what has your attention? What we consume shapes our heart and ultimately can direct our lives. In this episode, Chanel invites you to consider the inputs of your life to get better output. Plus, she shares the books on her summer reading list to intentionally foster certain beliefs and emotions in her life this year.
Do you wish you had more direction for what to do with your life? Like wouldn’t it be great if there was some sort of GPS where you could plug in your life destination and figure out the turn by turn directions to get you to where you want to go? I call this finding your life equity. No one on the planet has been made like you. On today’s episode we’re going to talk about how your life equity is developed and how knowing what you care about can give shape to your pursuit of a life of purpose.
What does real allyship look like? In the wake of continued racial unrest and our heightened cultural awareness of racial inequity, this episode is a valuable exploration of what it looks like to practically steward the privileges we have now. Rather than “giving a voice” to anyone, our best next step might be to pass the mic. On this episode of the podcast, we continue our conversation with the SVP of Kafene, Elisabeth Wadsworth to discuss allyship, privilege, and what is stoking the passions of her heart now.
When the world as you know it gets dismantled and disrupted, how can you rebuild better? What does it look like practically to steward the resources and privilege you have to make the world a better place? On this episode of the podcast, SVP of Kafene, Elisabeth Wadsworth joins us to share her learnings from the life planning process with Chanel. She dives into the beauty of living in cities and shares her personal definition of stewardship in the midst of a tumultuous age.
What if you started to view yourself, right now, as an influencer? And I don’t mean the type of influencer who is focused on Instagram likes and followers, but a woman who is specifically positioned to shape and influence the world around her? On today’s episode we’re talking about what it means to steward your influence by shifting your perspective to recognize the many ways in which you’ve been given influence. Ready to embrace your influence and step into your calling?
What does it look like to get caught in the trap of over-performance? This episode will help you break free from possible burnout, exhaustion, or lack of focus by exploring one the ways we can use our talents for evil instead of good. By that, I mean the negative ways we can apply our really good gifts of skill, competency and strength, that cause us to be ensnared in cycles of mental, emotional, and sometimes literal physical fatigue.
If you’re struggling to move forward, it might be unresolved pain from the past that is keeping you stuck. Wounds that have yet to heal will cause reactivity in your present - like those moments when you snap and want to run over to slap someone who you feel offended you with a level 10 attack when it was really a level 5 insult. But if you can prioritize your personal healing, those same wounds can become wings instead of weights in the pursuit of your calling.
How do you navigate the balance of personal and professional pursuits? And what happens when you can do something well or others need you to use a certain skill, but it isn't part of your life purpose? We talk about all this and more in part two of my interview with Lead By Design Lab Founder, LaToya Jordan.
How can discovering your life purpose help you make a career pivot into a new company or your own entrepreneurial journey? On today’s episode, I chat with past client and current Leadership Development Coach, LaToya Jordan, as she shares how she left corporate and launched her own company called Lead By Design Lab. We explore the specific life planning principles that helped her build an authentic business rooted in her unique identity. We also dig into the many ways she uses her talents and core values to guide her life actions.
What type of mindset can you cultivate to keep yourself actively in pursuit of your big life vision? In part two of our vision and execution episodes, we’re building on how to hop over the hurdles that keep you from implementation of your life vision to give you proactive steps you can take to stay in action mode around your goals.
Women of consequence are wired to dream big dreams and pursue a clear life vision. However, they often get tripped up in their pursuit of purpose by these three hurdles. Once you identify how they are playing out in your life, they can be simple to overcome. This episode outlines the three hurdles and ways you can move past them with grace.
Feeling exhausted and ready to throw in the towel now at the end of the year? Here are three simple things you can do to reclaim some energy and finish the year strong. Plus, learn why strategic planning may not be the best use of your energy this December.
Is your life purpose being interrupted by an unwillingness to surrender to a greater vision for your life? In today's episode, Chanel chats with multimedia creative and producer Rasheeda Winfield as they talk about the real challenge of letting go of your personal vision of thriving to step into the unknown.